Code of Practice
Our Standards, Processes & Proceedures
We've created our Code of Practice to simplify and explain some of our standards, processes & proceedures. You can find clear information on matters such as contacting Vispa, faults, making a complaint, refunds & more.
Our Terms and Conditions
All our services are subject to our general terms and conditions. As part of the signup process, you will have been presented with these terms and have accepted them to continue. Any special terms such as product-specific terms will be displayed during the signup process. You can view our general terms and conditions on our website at any time.
Contacting our Support Team
For all non-urgent faults, we recommend using our support ticketing system. You can raise a ticket simply by emailing or by logging into your My Account portal from our website.Telephone Support
We currently provide customer advice and technical helpline from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday. This excludes Christmas Day, Boxing Day and bank holidays. You can contact us on 0330 088 5800. Calls are charged at local rate. Outside of these hours, please use our support ticket system or website live chat.Live Chat
You may also contact us via our website Live Chat feature. You will see the chat button on the bottom right of our website.Service Faults & Repairs
For residential services, our target fix time is no more than 72 hours. For the majority of faults, we will be able to resolve them over the phone.
For business services, the target fix time is stated in your service level agreement ("SLA") document as provided upon ordering (if applicable). In the absence of an SLA document, the target fix time is 24 hours.
If a problem affects a large number of customers, such as a server problem or system failure, our target time for fixing the fault is no more than 6 hours.
Charges & Invoices by Vispa
Upon subscribing to a Vispa service, any setup or up-front costs will be payable immediately by credit or debit card. After that, any subsequent invoices will be raised either monthly or quarterly.
All residential services displayed on our website include VAT. Any business services pricing excludes VAT.
For voice services (landlines and voice over IP), you are responsible for all calls made using your number(s). Call charges are billed in arrears and will be raised on the first of the following month.
If you have a query on your bill, you can raise a dispute by emailing You will be provided with a ticket reference automatically. This is proof of receipt of your enquiry.
If you are not satisfied with our response to any dispute, please follow our complaints procedure.
If you are late in paying or refuse to pay your bill, Vispa reserves the right to charge interest at four per cent above Natwest Bank's published base rate until we collect the payment.
Engineering Charges
When a Vispa or BT engineer attends your property, we will advise you of charges that may be automatically incurred as these charges, if applicable will be automatically applied to your account without notice up to 90 days after the appointment. Examples of such charges are:
Termination/Cease Charges
Some services are subject to a fee for work required to terminate that service. For example, Openreach charge a cease fee to cover the cost of an engineer physically disconnecting the line at the exchange. Upon cancelling your service, we will advise you of the cease fee, and a final bill will be raised. It may take up to 30 days for the final bill to be emailed to you.
Paying Vispa
Our general terms and conditions require that you pay your monthly invoices by Direct Debit. We use GoCardless for our direct debit collections.
If a Direct Debit mandate is not in place or has been cancelled, we reserve the right to suspend your services until valid payment details are added to your account.
If we cannot debit our charges to your account for any reason, you agree to pay them immediately on request, or we may suspend your service.
We will always try to warn you of any suspension to our service. However, we may have to suspend it at any time without being able to give you prior notice. This would be for reasons beyond our control, such as maintenance or an act of government.
We may need to suspend your service to protect ourselves or other customers, in cases where we detect that you have a virus. We understand that customers rarely use such software maliciously or even knowingly, but ring support, who will explain why suspension has taken place and advise you what needs to be done to restore normal use.
We may also suspend your service in circumstances of unusual use. This may happen, for example, where the number of calls or charges for calls has increased significantly and we suspect that someone may be defrauding you. We would always try to contact you before taking such action.
We will try to minimise the inconvenience caused by any suspension of your service, but we are not responsible for any financial loss you may suffer as a result.
There is no charge for reconnection of the service after suspension.
We reserve the right to disconnect you from the service after two consecutive months of non-payment of bills sent to your email address, however, if you are having difficulty paying the bill, please call our customer services team on 0330 088 5800.
If we are about to disconnect you, we will write to you giving you final notice and the date of disconnection.
If you receive a final notice and wish to continue using the service, please contact our customer services team on 0330 088 5800 as soon as you can.
If we disconnect you from our service, we reserve the right to refuse reconnection to you and your address.
If you are disconnected by mistake, we will not charge for reconnection, but it may take up to 21 working days.
Cancelling a service
To cancel a service, you will need to contact us on 0330 088 5800 to discuss what charges and implications may arise and we will then ask you to either email or post a cancellation letter to us.
You have the right to cancel your service without penalty if we decide to increase our prices by more than 10%.
If you do not wish to accept a price increase, you must write and tell us within 14 days of our telling you about the increase. We will then cancel your service and will not apply the increase to your final bill.
The service takes up to one month to cancel. You remain responsible for all calls & charges made on your line(s) until the service is cancelled.
We may cancel your service immediately. If we do this, we will write to you by email or at the address on your application form, or any address you later register for billing purposes. The cancellation will be effective from the date stated in the letter.
Making a Complaint
If you are not satisfied with our team's response, you may raise a complaint which will be escalated to the director level.
Vispa is committed to customer service. We will try to resolve any complaint or dispute to your satisfaction as quickly as possible. If we do not do so, please contact:
The Board of Directors,
Vispa Limited
4th Floor,
Centenary House
1 Centenary Way
M50 1RF
We will reply to all complaints within five working days of receipt. We will give you a full explanation or, where appropriate, an update.
If our investigation of a complaint takes more than 14 working days, we will keep you updated of its progress. There will be no more than 10 working days between updates. You will also be given a named Vispa contact who is responsible for your case. This person will give you updates on the progress of your complaint.
Complaining to the Ombudsman
If you and Vispa cannot agree whether we should uphold a complaint, you can refer the dispute for adjudication by The Ombudsman Service.
You can contact The Ombudsman Service at the number and address below. Please note that The Ombudsman Service will typically only accept a complaint if either:
The Ombudsman Service provides a free arbitration service for existing and prospective customers, independently investigating unresolved complaints in accordance with the terms and conditions shown at
Reporting Abuse
Abuse can be reported to us 24/7 by emailing We aim to respond within 24 hours.